These are some of the places on the internet where I get my information and inspiration. this site contains lots and lots of information about vintage brass manufacturers and has many pictures of their instruments. this site has a lot of historical information about brass manufacturers that were active in the USA, but also some European.
Trent Hamilton: Trent is a YouTuber with mostly brass instrument related content ranging from serious performances including multi-tracks and solos, to educational videos about music theory, as well as a fair share of reviews, and the odd smattering of unusual instruments and joke content.
Brass from the Past: this is a YouTube channel that shows and lets you hear vintage brass instruments.
The Brass and Woodwind Shop: Art has been a professional band instrument repair technician for over 20 years and now makes videos for viewers on how they can repair their own brass or woodwind instrument.
Atelier Pfeiffer: this is where I bring my instruments for repairs I can not do myself.